
Creative Business Wrap – March 2024

Sarai Mitnick writes on her blog “Making Time” about the constant challenge of balancing creative work and running a business. She uses the analogy of the Sailor and the Diver to describe two

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Creative Business Wrap – February 2024

February, sweet, February. The shortest of the months easily slips past without us even noticing. Except maybe for that mid-month candy and kisses blip, Valentine’s Day (you can choose your preferred

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Creative Business Wrap – January 2024

And that, folks, was 2023. Good, bad or indifferent it is now disappearing into the rear vision mirror. But before it disappears completely from view, take a little time to

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Creative Business Wrap – October 2023

Question: how do you know if someone went to SXSW Sydney?Answer: they’ll tell you. I think that’s basically the vibe, isn’t it? If you’ve been inundated with content this week

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Creative Business Wrap – September 2023

This month, I’ve been thinking about saying yes. Obviously, the Voice referendum is coming up, and everyone will make their own choice about that. Personally, I’m one of over 1,800

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Creative Business Wrap – August 2023

Every so often, we attempt a Creative Wrap with a particular theme, and this month it’s about creativity and mental health. In recent years, there’s been a normalisation of discussion

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Creative Business Wrap – July 2023

The new financial year started with me juggling running a business from home and supervising the kids’ school holiday activities. Fun but exhausting! Mostly exhausting. 😉 I did take time

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Creative Business Wrap – May 2023

Feeling the chill of an early winter? I definitely felt it over a couple of days in the Southern Highlands with the crew from Architects Edmiston Jones. A long term client of mine,

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